I had finished writing Elements of Straefor, the manuscript with the editor, and I started thinking about the font. Apparently, the readability of the text can affect the mood of the book, and there were hundreds of fonts but many of the fonts we read today are overused.

I train with the Dubai Pirates Surf Lifesaving at Kite Beach and in June they had a 3-dimensional promotion for the NEW Dubai Font - the display in Arabic looked so lovely, I went to the website www.DubaiFont.com and loved the look. The story behind it is amazing, and the font is easy to download.

I have grown-up in Dubai, and while I like the clear, readable text, to me the Dubai Font represents my home, where I am and now will be with me in print - a memory forever.

I encourage you to read the Dubai Font story, created in partnership with Microsoft it's a fascinating read.

#ExpressYourself #DubaiFont

* At the time of launch, I think Elements of Straefor is the first novel to be printed and published in the NEW Dubai Font.

Kite Beach, where the Dubai Font comes alive...

This is such a cool 3d exhibit of the new dubai font at kite beach (that's dad walking to the beach in the background). lol

That’s the thing about pain. It demands to be felt.
— John Green, the Fault in Our Stars