How long did the book take you to write?

I started writing this book in September 2015 when I was only 12 years old. The writing process took about twelve months. The editing and publishing took another twelve months. It was exhausting, but worth it in the end... or is this the end?

Did you ever feel like giving up on the project?

Yes and often! I really had no idea what I was starting, but it got to a stage where giving up wasn't an option. My mentor, Nicolas Forzy and my mom were the driving forces that kept me going.

Did you ever get writers block and if so, what dit it feel like?

Yes, I got writers block quite a lot and it felt horrible. I felt like I was pressured to do something I could not do, but I would take a day or two off and things would make sense again.

Did you stick with your original plan or plot?

Ahaha! No, I would refer to my original plot and say "what was I thinking"? The idea may have seemed so good at the time, but I'm happy with how it turned out.

Did anyone help you write this book?

I attended a course hosted by the Emirates Literature Foundation at the Dubai International Writers Centre in Al Shindagah for 5 months which really helped at the start of the whole journey but then it was up to me to keep going. Nicolas Forzy was my driving force. The editor was a great help to, although the editing process was very, very challenging!

Will there be a second or third book?

Yes, if you read the epilogue in Elements of Straefor, it alludes to what happens next...

Did you always believe that a book would come out of this?

Hmm, yes and no... I would day dream about it. Having people believing in me, really helped.


If you have any more questions, do send me an email HERE and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

You have worked hard, have patience and perseverance. You have it in you to publish your novel, your story is unique and fresh and you must absolutely believe in yourself that you deserve this.

Remember, the hero wants to win, is able to win and deserves to win. You are a hero.
— Nicolas Forzy